
Showing posts from July, 2024

senryu (mom's death)

 mom's death :: ive become busier and less happy 

senryu cluster

 train's flag up :: hesitant fingers of a dry summer wind hearing the paper cranes groan :: a man and his children all i do is loneliness...all i write is vanity (i think so)  something in 'haikai style monostich' :: burned toast my pillow quite cold :: summer mosquitoes annoying  Tom Clancy or Robert Ludlum :: leaving dishes unwashed

senryu cluster

 dog's tired face i stand in a strong north wind anxious :: fresh beer carries some kind of relief woman in red high heels, letters in old shoe box 'renso' association of images :: juxtaposition in English Kyoshi the hardass :: thumbing my nose at convention  * Takahama Kyoshi: the defacto ruler of Hototogisu Haiku group and the haiku community at large. One of Shiki's disciples. 

senryu (old friend)

 i see old friend...even homeless man has nice smile

senryu cluster

 what does the boar's mouth say, my dreams opaque politics—necessary evil one should take break from occasionally  uneventful night grabbing another cold beer  baking some ribs a few things to discuss with him  to pass time baking cupcakes with a heavy heart  up one minute down the next :: edge of a man's smile  near Cottonwood Creek, this self-effacement seems unreal sleeping toddler the mother sighs rearranges hair  money spent on National Enquirer never liked flat soda river river river river :: my bare feet in the mouth of mud give me a Caligula or Ivan the Terrible :: invasive heat half read letter :: audible gasp from some tree leaves  walkin' down my blood sugar :: thinking of Calgon soap  unloading hay :: horses see something dark. foreboding. 

senryu (departure of an ex)

 departure of an ex...even that is lovely to watch 

senryu cluster

 the sharpness of anger scrubbing the bathtub staring at the sky secretly i wish for snowfall  tight pain in right shoulder stress my constant lover senryu ain't all laughs :: barely concealing my disgust honeysuckle tea :: is that even a thing  lotioning my kneecaps cold beer has grown flat  cutting up green onions north wind brings something 

senryu (baby's laughter)

baby's laughter :: like tinkling of a wind chime 

tanka (i hate summer)

trudging  through  this dense heat "i hate summer!" "i hate summer!"

senryu (Beryl's comin')

Beryl's comin'  not too long 'fore Louisiana's kicked

senryu (Mr Biden Mr Trump)

Mr Biden. Mr Trump. America swaying  near cliff's edge

[Caffeine High] a ryubun/senbun

drinkin' the last bit of coffee, i hurriedly get dressed. the afternoon's pregnant with summer's heat. i feel tempted to light up a joint, but forgo it; relying on prayer and this caffeine high.  Murasaki Shikibu's waka for Genji... who writes about me?

senryu (my senryu haiku)

magnolias and honeysuckle... don't call my senryu haiku

senryu (mollusks)

mollusks.... down-to-earth delicacy  like my senryu 

senryu (resume conversation)

lengthening shadows  we'll resume conversation  tomorrow

senryu (mailman's smile)

mailman's smile  what can he  possibly know 

senryu (an oddity)

often an oddity... its been years  since ive cried

senryu (single offense)

single offense like holding tea candle in both hands

senryu (a dead face)

sippin' noon coffee there's beauty  in a dead face

senryu (daylamp)

imagination— im a prostitute cutting off a daylamp 

some thoughts on senryu

 Ya'll I say this often, but I really really love #senryu. Im aware that there are many who don't think there should be a separation between them and #haiku,  and others who just don't care; and i respect both POVs. However, I see a small distinction (most likely based on history) ...and id like to see more people acknowledge and support poets who consider themselves to primarily be senryu poets who write senryu....the way haiku poets are respected and spoken of as writing haiku.  ive said that #senryu are treated, imho as a trash-bin genre... a sort of catch-all genre for attempts that do not conform to whatever we believe #haiku to be AND many folk will see you call your poems, #senryu or even #senryu listed in your Twitter handle and STILL refer to your pieces as #haiku 😂😂 i echo Michael Dylan Welch's view that if #senryu as a separate genre exists in Japan and among the Japanese American community here in the States, then having #senryu as a viable genre is ok amo

tanka (over Folgers)

over Folgers itemizing  all of my offenses a few senryu  go unwritten