senryu cluster
floating world row of dolls same blank expressions
same dust on ornamental plates—this floating world
with blank expression home from work staring at the wall
workmen returning home after 4am— things we do
most nights colliding into myself—prostitute's warm smile
under desert sky Navajo spirits dance in rhythm
through hotel doors workmen returning coffee tastes burnt
bored—stringing words together overnight shift
senryu—exploring simplicity of being human
snapshots—human's being and doing stored in senryu
floating world: what more to do where to go
forgiving myself: milk-white light of a vending machine
cynicism—will purple eggplant be purple
uncertainty—carried on folk's back like shadow
kid's birthday party wanting to take off adulthood
night traffic: human decency fading fading fading
baby's language so cute—unhappy aging
weekend losing myself in guitarist's lick
Zoloft—feeling dull whiteness of a headache
angry with myself morning coffee too watery
up and down hotel stairs—uncertainty is a bitch
abandoning delusion re-painting fingernails clear
doll's powder-pink dress—daughter's addiction
family videos...dead son's smile very very bright
hot summer morning another argument and burned toast
bitter wine 'tough love' is torture for some
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