some thoughts on senryu

 Ya'll I say this often, but I really really love #senryu. Im aware that there are many who don't think there should be a separation between them and #haiku,  and others who just don't care; and i respect both POVs. However, I see a small distinction (most likely based on history)

...and id like to see more people acknowledge and support poets who consider themselves to primarily be senryu poets who write senryu....the way haiku poets are respected and spoken of as writing haiku. 

ive said that #senryu are treated, imho as a trash-bin genre...

a sort of catch-all genre for attempts that do not conform to whatever we believe #haiku to be AND many folk will see you call your poems, #senryu or even #senryu listed in your Twitter handle and STILL refer to your pieces as #haiku 😂😂

i echo Michael Dylan Welch's view that if #senryu as a separate genre exists in Japan and among the Japanese American community here in the States, then having #senryu as a viable genre is ok among English-speaking practitioners of English Language Haikai. 

for me, psychologically; there is liberty i feel in my writing and looking at life outwardly and inwardly when using the term #senryu; that I just don't feel or get using #haiku. No offense. Learning the history of both genre's has helped me locate exactly where i am.


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