
Showing posts from June, 2024

senryu (dozing off)

reading senryu  bit by bit dozing off why am i sleepy 

senryu (palette on office floor)

 nearing 4 am: impromptu palette on this office floor 

senryu (overnight shift)

hotel lights  young guy on overnight shift  earning bill-money 

senryu (quickie with lover)

quickie with 'lover'... relief around  witchin' hour 

senryu (stretched out)

stretched out  on office floor... 30 min nap 

senryu (rough laughing)

rough laughing— cheap liquor crisscrosses this town 

senryu (aftertaste of democracy)

 ...aftertaste of Democracy what will grow in its place

senryu (overnight again)

 human dignity suspended—working overnight again tonight

senryu (im sleepy)

 thinking to self: how many ways to say 'im sleepy' 

senryu (immigration laws)

 fighting sleep   somehow thinking of Immigration laws and such 

senryu (contemplation)

contemplation— should i lay out on floor  to ease joint pain

senryu (lack of warmth)

smiling child— his parents lack of warmth  quite evident 

senryu (damned wine)

next morning  still hungover— damned wine

senryu (heart of an exile)

under owl moon  moving with the heart of an exile now

senryu (suppressing yawns)

having to walk  suppressing yawns with each  footstep tonight 

senryu (aged family members)

aged family members  speak in Kouri-Vini  kids speak English *Kouri-Vini - endonym speakers of Louisiana French use to refer to Louisiana Creole, another heritage language indigenous to Louisiana. 

senryu (mouth closed)

in face  of many lies  his mouth kept closed

senryu (random walks)

random walks around the hotel: fighting sleepiness

senryu (fighting sleepiness)

absent caress of this pearl necklace... fighting sleepiness

senryu (bruised peaches)

bruised peaches still full of value

tanku (dinner with ex)

dinner with ex-lover  crumbling homes around way

tanku (bookstore closes)

falling magnolia  a bookstore closes fast

tanku (local night tavern)

at local night tavern  bright laughter and weak beer

tanku (senryu) /scorched coffee/

 sparsely-filled parking lot   sipping    scorched coffee

senryu (owl moon)

overnight shift— noticing an owl moon  while smoking 

senryu (after showering)

 after showering how i avoid the mirror 

senryu (coffee shop talk)

coffee-shop talk— agitated i watch  you peel fruit 

senryu (laughter)

 laughter then what comes 

senryu (former beauty)

former beauty  caressing smooth coolness of spring melons

senryu (Spanish moss)

thick Spanish moss cobwebs on  unused baby buggy

tanka (tethered to)

these days  i am tethered to my monmon's spirit— endless night-walking around a sparsely filled parking lot

tanka (Goya painting)

with tired fingers sifting  through the ash  of burned memories— crooked Goya painting

tanka (affair)

affair  with a married man... with no shame  shopping for an outfit there'll be dinner later

tanka (soaking this body)

bite marks in an apple... for a few hours soaking this tired body in steaming water

tanka (black women)

"Black women  are pure magic..."  telling myself this  starring at monmon's  obituary  *Monmon is mother in Kouri-Vini 

tanka (Klimt woman)

 burning incense right before bed— a Klimt woman  wrapped up  in shadows 

senryu (crawling deeper)

 a- ller- gies     craw- ling  dee- per     in- to  his  warmth

senryu (morning laughter)

 morning laughter   indicted girl   led away 

tanku (cherry blooms)

breakfast— cherry blooms 

tanku (coffee)

coarse laughter... coffee

tanku (washing hair)

washing hair— silence 

senryu (text messages)

 tongue lashing   argument   over text messages

senryu (slow start)

 with the full moon   new day   making a slow start 

senryu (i prepare)

 passing cars     i prepare     to run night audit 

zip (in the distance)

 in the distance     stone Buddha  labormen return home      more tired

senryu (bloated tonight)

bloated tonight... what kigo to use  in these senryu

senryu (granmé places)

*granmé places akebia  in now grey hair *Grandmother in Kouri-Vini

senryu (peeing nightwatchman)

stuffed wastebasket... grunting of nightwatchman  while peeing 

senryu (night passes)

burning incense... im too sleepy to pray as night passes

senryu (gravesite)

he has nice eyes... crossing myself when i  pass gravesite 

senryu (burgundy robes)

 wearing burgundy robes glass filled with dark red port

senryu (new dress)

buying new dress... dust in glass of water on bedside table

senryu (in four-six-four)

another yawn... senryu in four-six-four after midnight 

senryu (midnight phone)

 ease into bed... his deep voice seeping through  this midnight phone 

senryu (hina dolls)

some- thing cree- py a- bout  those  hi- na  dolls... set ex- press- ions 

senryu ('afternoon folk')

 daffodil breath: hustle and bustle of 'afternoon folk' 

senryu (Maestro Seiji Ozawa)

just finding out  the *maestro passed away... life trudges on *the renowned Maestro Seiji Ozawa (1935-2024) transitioned. 

senryu (lacrimae rerum)

time passing fast every time i wake up... *lacrimae rerum * a poetic line meaning the tears of things from Book I, line 462 of the “Aeneid” by Roman poet Virgil (70-19 B.C.).

senryu (kicking rocks)

balmy night— friend and i kicking rocks  down a dark street

senryu (June groomsman)

a June groomsman— in the closet darkness flustered and hot

senryu (too much coffee)

 too much coffee... too many thoughts but no words...i think 

senryu (unfinished book)

unfinished book:  he hasn't signed into  Facebook today 

senryu (hallways of ennui)

 yawning winding hallways of ennui

senryu (peaceful workshift)

 suppressing yawns... happy for a peaceful  workshift tonight

senryu (unanswered texts)

 peonies bloom... several unanswered texts but i don't care 

senryu (jazz music)

 jazz music: coffee has burnt taste i believe 

senryu (labor men)

labor men in to work at three...balmy night 

senryu (spring ennui)

 spring ennui—what new thing to grieve for today 

senryu (pungent hemp)

 pungent hemp still awake in bed just thinking 

senryu (pea tendrils)

pea tendrils— this morning heat trails me by bus 

senryu (sweetness of life)

 fig preserves  the sweetness of life strangely absent

senryu (boxed cake mix)

still awake... boxed cake mix on the night counter 

senryu (migrant crisis)

fragrant ferns... 'migrant crisis' a talking-point

senryu (robert ludlum)

 lying in bed—Robert Ludlum  book nearby

senryu (marigolds)

marigolds... unaware of how  things really are

senryu (insomnia)

 insomnia... strong coffee repulsive to me

senryu (tangy mustard)

 tangy mustard... daddy doesn't  talk much 

senryu (junkie summer)

 'junkie summer—' my son don't look the same these days

senryu (brief tears)

addiction— climbing ivy and  my brief tears

senryu (sleeping kitten)

sleeping kitten— flirting with someone who don't want me

senryu (tonight's debate)

tonight's debate—  the man i lust after  dozing off 

senryu (leaving America)

country's falling... tonight i consider leaving America

senryu (fear for tomorrow)

some car's headlights... the fear for tomorrow more real today

senryu (fear like skin)

 aged fox fur coat... now wearing fear like a second skin 

senryu (extra bite)

extra bite... saying a small prayer for Biden

senryu (snoring snoring)

no closed dishes... two grown men asleep snoring snoring

senryu (his smirk)

 in a glass of scotch his smirk 

senryu (child's laughter)

 finding safety a child's laughter my hiding place 

senryu sequence

spring day wearing pajamas wearing a headwrap  - the spirit Herod in all Republicans: cane sugar dry - a whore's laughter feeling a rip in my stockings  - filing paperwork: already ready for work to be over  - the word 'fuck' polite society seems to abhor that word

senryu sequence

sand in the wind shopkeeper grabbing the broom  - priest's red sash: monmon's rosary has aged  - Excedrin for a headache i retain my prejudices - "isn't it interesting"...the thought remains unfinished - a quick nap before work inside of me a blooming flower

sedoka (all this heat)

all this heat in Texas and  Louisiana touching each sugar cane its sweetness  starts ripening 

tanka (this summer)

this summer  under covers two of us  speaking in whispers about many things 

fragment (broken glass)

broken glass a man i don't know moves through me wind-like  

sijo (shee-joh) (do we speak)

do we speak under a dense heat and a rush of noon traffic? i watch you become colored butterflies and white moments now.  you ignore my questions deftly, i become blue air moving. 

sedoka (down in the south)

down in the south— heat wave dressing lightly and  waiting for him  to pick me up 

3 senryu

her  bro- ken heart... these days she's a Sa- tur- day pain- ter sho- pping my gro- cer- y cart with a  creak- y wheel these  days hu- mans are on- ly a- part of 'the ma- chine'

Muzak a senbun/ryubun

this morning's fading moon hangs on a noose. lighting a cigarette, all of my thoughts are able to hide behind coffeesteam. Sunday comes, but ion feel much holy... hotel muzak plays to an empty lobby 

Sugar Stains a ryubun/senbun

sunday comes with a brief coolness. the heat will replace that soon enough. i've received a text message frm my estranged ex... i have a craving for *binyé powdered sugar stains my lips iron forest creaks *Beignet in Kouri-Vini

2 senryu

talk of an iron vagina re-reading *Kirkup's haiku  beyond coffee steam, one shift ends another begins

tanka (iron lungs)

this morning my iron lungs  falter... and still these Sunday  words slide five lines down 

Expatriate a ruyubun/senbun


senryu cluster (english monostich)

english monostich: distant cousin's of japanese haiku senryu  monostich—into an iron forest foraging for what exactly  finding the word 'ichigyoshi' charming, parking-lot quite full  another cup of coffee—am i worthy to call these one-liners senryu unfastening his jeans, during fellatio each breath a single monostich  empty hotel lobby: tonight my soul spins haikai-like monostich

senryu (his coming)

mis- placed glas- ses more heat ar- rives with his co- ming

senryu (gritty hatred)

 gritty hatred: welcome to my heart's darkness

senryu (belladonna sprouting wildly)

 man-to-man we touch belladonna sprouting wildly 

senryu (mona lisa)

more coffee mona lisa and that stupid ass smirk

senryu (queerness and promiscuity)

 queerness and promiscuity in senryu's skin: quiet night 

sedoka (near parked cars)

all this  liquid blackness on this hot night  folks stand outside drunk  near parked cars 

sedoka (a 'knowing' glance)

words  scribbled down  on yellow pages— another guest comes in past midnight we share a long 'knowing' glance

senryu (from his crotch)

 from his crotch steam of dreams and a fragrant lust 

senryu (scent of roses)

 in the scent of roses—treachery sex blasphemy and tears 

senryu (to just exist)

seedling  eggplants brilliantly purple  discovering  my own  resilience to  just  exist

senryu (january in his words)

 ink dark evening, quite a bit of january in his words 

senryu (apricot petals)

apricot petals  asked him to change  until im weary

tanka (mama return home)

watching  mama return home slow-movin'  under the weight of  every unanswered prayer

senryu (upstairs landing)

upstairs landing watching mama make  her  way home her shoulders sagging

senryu (boring book)

bor- ing book of hai- ku or- der- ing ano- ther mi- mosa

senryu (woman in dark coat)

wo- man in dark coat mys- te- ry min- gles with this night fog

senryu (can't make sense)

spi- ders in plum pe- tals i can't make sense of a- ny of my dreams 

senryu (steam of oatmeal)

cold  mor- ning loo- sing my- self in the steam of oat- meal

tanka (uninhabited cave)

uninhabited cave in granmé's backyard  the old Chevy hasn't been driven since 1979  *granmé: 'grandmother' in Kouri-Vini 

Short Piece on 'Colorblindness'

 real quickly beloveds, i wanna highlight something. the graphic posted below this tweet; highlights something that has been with us as long as Racism has been with us—this notion of 'Colorblindess.'  The concept of CB seems innocuous enough, but those kinds of concepts... ...are what makes Racism and Racial Bias so insidious. The concept 'appears' to be innocent and well-meaning. It is anything but. Not seeing someone's color, trying to see everyone as homogenous means you don't acknowledge or respect my differences, my lived experiences... usually  means you only acknowledge the world and people that look and have experiences like yourself. That is NOT reality, nor is it the world we ALL inhabit. This world is and will continue to be beautifully diverse like a big ass Potluck; comprised of many dishes... ...and our jobs are to respect and acknowledge that everyone has a right to exist, take up space, 'bring a dish,' have a seat at 'the table...

tanka (pungent coffee grounds)

pungent coffee grounds  percolating  outside a Black and White girl laughingly play 'Hopscotch' 

tanbun [Single Stories]

its dangerous having a single story. single stories create  stereotypes, distorted pictures; not fully grounded in reality.  stereotypes have a BIT of truth; but are largely incomplete.  its dangerous when single stories, become the ONLY story.  unpruned shrubbery in the front yard i learn that im a walking kaleidoscope 

tanbun (white gaze)

my queerness. my Blackness. my creoleness. all of it under intense scrutiny every day. my shoulder's sag under the weight of the White gaze... his free laughter now imprisoned  behind  iron teeth and their grayness seeps into his joints  

tanbun (fig preserves)

knife  still left inside a jar  of fig preserves on the counter— im not fighting to be accepted we parted ways. he had problems with my skin color, and i had problems with his narrow, poisonously biased mind.  

tanbun (colorblindness)

'Colorblindness' is offensive. To 'not see color' isn't as good as it appears to sound. Not seeing color, means one doesn't see, acknowledge, or respect another's lived experiences.  pretty chocolate girl— eraser marks all over her latest piece of artwork 

tanka (black body unalived)

near Golstrum's convenience store— another black body unalived, another mother's grief

tanbun (beautifully autistic)

he was beautifully autistic & often in his own world. he didn't hear when police, smiling executions; demanded he stop and put up hands. he kept movin' and soon was no more.  crunch  of midnight leaves night stillness shatter'd by a phone's  grotesque ringing 

tanka (another police shooting)

another  police shooting  a mother's  frantic pacing and worry  that falls thick as syrup 

tanka (flesh wound)

only  a flesh wound... mother's  relief when her son  returns home in one piece

senryu (houses line these streets)

hou- ses line these streets... dys- func- tion of most fam- i- lies well- hid- den

senryu (broken ribs)

bro- ken ribs... a mo- ther prays for her kid

senryu (decadently we loved)

sum- mer of my in- no- cence de- ca- dent- ly we- loved and ha- ted

senryu (peeling oranges)

peeling oranges dog ignores me— witchin' hour 

senryu (ride my son's bike)

children asleep  i  ride my son's  bike with training  wheels

senryu (red train)

end of day— on the floor playing  with red train

senryu (children in the attic)

after midnight— children in the attic playing 

senryu (more questions)

more  ques- tions than an- swers... ice has mel- ted in my whis- key

senryu (what was...)

laugh- ing ci- ca- das... these days what  was has come back a- round a- gain

senryu (smiling waterfall)

near a smi- ling wa- ter- fall sleep- ing vil- lage  

senryu (Manna moon)

*Man- na moon set- tling in- to this o- ver- night work- shift *Manna, the mysterious coriander seed like wafer that GOD provided for the newly formed Israelite nation to eat during their trek through the wilderness. It could function as a 'summer kigo' 

senryu (cashmere throw)

cash- mere throw the shirt he wore carries a scent

senryu (behind closed eyes)

light rain  behind my closed eyes stale scent of unwashed laundry

senryu (infant laughter)

laugh- ter- of a in- fant dan- de- li- on su- mmer

senryu (witchin hour)

wi- tching  hour below me  neigh- bors have a- no- ther fight

senryu (lying down)

ly- ing down,  my bed an old mi- li- ta- ry cot

senryu (fizzlin' out)

June— my Chris- mas lights slow- ly  fizz' lin  out

senryu (death of patriarch)

death of pa- tri- arch, low moon be- hind parked car

senryu (hate my father)

day- moon i  hate my fa- ther hate my- self... some- times

senryu (my resume)

late break- fast, my kid writes out my re- su- me

senryu (hit of coke)

af- ter- noon tra- ffic he takes a quick hit of coke

senryu (aneurysms)

 aneurysms, another workshift i pray for ease 

senryu cluster

in belly of black dahlias, hell and whatever else follows 'nascent' quite a word, highlighting facts with a yellow marker tender ribs several elders i thought were dead burning America, who reaches for the hot dogs... solitary red spider lily in a deep sleep...coma-like 

sedoka (at family barbecue)

at a family barbecue  over paper-plates  full of food  gossiping  about everything 

sedoka (nameless man)

shards of moonlight  stacked up  arriving  home from party with nameless man 

tanka (covers for the futon)

in the shadow of a strawberry moon  washing and re-washing the covers  for the futon 

tanka (trétœr by profession)

mémè— a trétœr by profession boils roots from  the mangliyé plant for  a tea to ward off fever *mémè - grandma (in Kouri-Vini, Louisiana Creole, one of Louisiana's indigenous heritage languages) *trétœr - faith healer *mangliyé - manglier root

[When Saigon Fell] a zuihitsu

  [When Saigon Fell] a zuihitsu thinking of a few things tonight. on the whim i decide to try and jot a zuihitsu. i don't really  have anything in mind except the phrase, "when Saigon fell." Saigon fell in 1975, and i did  find myself wondering; what was my mother doing at that time? i know she graduated high- schoo in '77—so id imagine she was a young woman in 10th grade, growing and experiencing  a young adult's world at that time. (i miss monmon!) ___ its been a long time since i've watched MSNBC, CNN, or ABC news. im so disconnected from the  obvious poison of everything; BUT im strangely tuned in to the spirit of the time—the political tur- moil, the menace of an Authoritarian Fascist Dictatorship. the very fabric of what was, seems to be  quickly fraying. quickly disappearing.  ___ going through my personal things, i think i might need to order myself some more Sauvage colgone as well Exclamation parfume and Bluegrass perfume.  ___ a father ...

senryu (Saigon fell)

 tear in the kite when Saigon fell 

senryu (hole in my sock)

 a blended family—another hole in my sock 

senryu (crack in my reslilence)

 dead-heading roses crack in my resilience 

senryu (Caligula's intensity)

 love that i need—give me Caligula's 'intensity' 

senryu (Nero's fiddle)

 wanting Nero's fiddle, remembrances of my youth 

senryu (words in margin)

 words in the margins, striking graffiti on water-tower

senryu (criminal filing appeal)

 criminal filing appeal night bathed in more heat 

senryu (father's grief)

 father's grief...stretch of silence before the verdict 

senryu ('People's' magazine)

 droll man: thumbing through outdated 'People's' magazine

senryu (peony's clothing)

 what's in the bucket? naked peony's clothing 

senryu (tepid coffee)

 discussing horror films, taste of tepid coffee 

senryu (nightdark waters)

 nightdark waters parking-lot sparsely filled 

senryu (Amazon Shopping)

 someone's laughing after midnight, Amazon shopping

senryu (weak moon)

 'intractability'  earth in the shadow  of a weak moon

senryu (Father's Day)

 spooky conversation, Father's Day for the fatherless 

senryu (Sarah Stern - Dateline story)

 Sarah Stern vanishes in thin air, menacing strawberry moon 

senryu (strawberry moon)

 tea with a few gnats, strawberry moon 

senryu (accumulated papers)

 huge pile: accumulated papers i got rid of last time 

senryu (Dallas Pride)

 Dallas Pride—meeting new friend at cute bar 

senryu (dad's boxers)

 dad's boxers on floor... bachelor life full of highs... (sarcasm)

senryu (facets of humanity)

 facets of humanity: little boy likes drowning kittens...

senryu (six realms of hell)

 clothes washing, six realms of Hell might be nice vacation spot 

tanka (grandpa's flatulence)

 silent afternoon—grandpa's flatulence  ...such are the ways of this thing called 'Life' 

tanka (being young)

a little boy's wildness somewhat charming— i don't remember much about being young 

tanka (aster scent)

cemetery next to the house... deep in thought i move in and out of aster scent 

senryu (purpleated sky)

 predawn sky, life a boring book

senryu (simplicity)

 simplicity—its own poetry, glare on the pewter chalice

senryu (hoarse voice)

 mother's hoarse voice, crying child quietens down 

senryu (jockstrap uncomfortable)

 arranging guest reg'cards, this jockstrap uncomfortable...

senryu (indigent man)

 redness of his shirt, indigent man scrolls on his phone

senryu (daddy's dented hat)

 unable to say "i forgive you...," daddy's dented hat 

senryu (ex-pastor greets me)

 out a side door, an ex-pastor greets me 

senryu (blackness of orchids)

 blackness of orchids, never met a man as fine as him

senryu (fragrant toast)

 fragrant silence folding my shadow neatly 

senryu (some man curbside)

 turgid waters, some man seated curbside 

senryu (moping around)

moping around aimlessly... economy  in freefall

senryu (overturned legislation)

overturned legislation... SCOTUS  peckin' at the people 

senryu (under Mary's gaze)

under Mary's  stone gaze... pleasure quarters 

tanka (shake agitation)

night spent trying to shake agitation after working stop by the store for a stiff drink 

senryu (warm rain falling)

warm rain falling slower than this country's morale

senryu (aching joints)

 aching joints tonight, same expression on stone Mary's face

tanka (fellating a man)

empty hallways stretching endlessly— in the office fellating a man  with no future 

senryu (wearing pajamas)

 spring day, still wearing my pajamas 'round the house

senryu (Athaliah in us all)

 on the noon bus a bit of Athaliah in us all  *Athaliah, daughter of Biblical Queen, Jezebel;  she murdered all those in succession to the throne. 

senryu (shit-talkin')

 corner of a street—nothing but shit-talkin' 

senryu (i love senryu)

 'i love senryu,' thats common in my life 

[Sigh] a zuihitsu

  [Sigh] a zuihitsu  1. my life is a zuihitsu, albeit a very boring one (in my opinion).  2. 'Erythrocytes' in the blood carry oxygen away from lungs... 3. ive been idealistic only a few times. most of the time, im pessimistic. 4. i ask nothing of him, ripening of a grapefruit  stack of bills on the counter, another workshift  5. in my chest this hollow sound. something about a cough's music. 6. didn't really know that both of our lungs are not the same size... 7. overcast skies, in silence turning pages to a boring book *sigh*

[Ignore Everything] a zuihitsu


senryu (Klimt woman)

 scarlet peonies collapsing, what do i know as a Klimt woman

senryu cluster

 morning moonflowers, studying teratomas in class hair rolled up, how to avoid tomorrow's PTA meeting morning moonflowers, studying teratomas in class mending socks, i am no one's lover no one's spouse Kyoshi too strict, colorful streamers of Pride parade *Takahama Kyoshi, complete ruler of Hototogisu Haiku group and Traditional Haiku all-seeing eye of tv, watching us sleep this short night ironing clothes, Ibsen's Nora seems much more glamorous buying sunglasses at a kiosk, i want the beach today  'venereal—' of Venus goddess of love, suddenly tired seeking love as potent as Komodo dragon's saliva syphilis—'the danger is in not knowing' i think just spurs on my agitations  discussing 'chemical castration' i order light lunch  love is when dead leaves walk a sidewalk erratically  cold coffee, vulgar language appears in haiku too  potluck: myriad of dishes for unattached folk

senryu (agitation meets me)

 agitation meets me, in the semi-dark foyer 

senryu (butcher's words)

knife's flash every one of butcher's words punctuated

senryu (trying on new wings)

 flurry of movement crows trying on new wings

tanka (first laughter)

 reminding of my first laughter... sepia photograph of me between two and three yrs old

senryu (pantomime's glare)

 pantomime's glare: am i in a black'n white film 

senryu (busboy's intensity)

 busboy's intensity my bill  40% off 

tanka (old harp)

bit of wind through the old harp  these days unable to put into words how i feel

tanka (once-a-month)

once-a-month a smiling moon in sky— security guard relaxes eating sea-salted snacks 

tanka (night streets)

some aged woman in a thin robe watching someone else arrive off the night streets

2 tanka

 baby kitten playing... i hold Pandora in contempt...damn box smiling moon stark in the sky— slow trudging to a job i despise

senryu (Mo p'olé ça)

 broken glassware, "Mo p'olé ça!" the kid says *"I don't want that"

senryu string

 Saturday—is there no end to this workshift  breakfast: all the guests with foodstains on their shirts  co-conspirators...slow collapse of the Republic  legal pad sheet, filled with haikai-styled monostich

senryu (Roe vs Wade)

 'Roe vs Wade' overturned: how fast 'dark ages' return 


 watching him stir the koubiyon. my cousin passes by, holding his baby. im the only one with no kids. figure, ill get myself a few cats and just be. charging cell phone, my coffee just a bit darker


 long trainride. in and out of a dream, i start smelling magnolias. their scent is sickly-sweet and too strong. somewhere, someone's child cries incessantly. the rockin' train rocks on. in the last car, a blur of colors a mundane dream

senryu (tea lilies exhale)

 al fresco: tea lilies exhale an impatient breath

senryu (in ashes)

 in the ashes, brief meaning of life ...

senryu (cutting words)

 cutting words in argument, my tea has grown colder

senryu string

 hotel bar: watered down drinks with a weird man  crisscrossing freeways—my thoughts converge at foolishness  lunch with stranger: for a moment i belong not a nun not a priest...avoiding dogstar tonight  fascinated by the KGB, for lunch 'Bay of Pigs' incident what does it mean to be 'human' folding his'n her onsies photo of smilin' Putin, my ex-lover's all serial killers  old tennis shoes, in the corner all of my memories

senryu (bright red ribbons)

slow to respond, child's bright red hair ribbons 

senryu (suppressing yawns)

 housekeepers speaking Spanish, many times i suppress yawns 

senryu (6 masters of senryu)

 rather fast morning: thinking of 6 great senryu masters 

senryu (Tokizane Shinko memorial)

 apricot jam: Shinko-san is on my mind this morning  *Tokizane Shinko: she was a master senryu poet

senryu (nostalgia)

 listening to jazz—nostalgia for age i wasn't alive for 

senryu (Basho's Frog)

 Saturday morning: when did Basho's frog pass away 

senryu (me myself and i)

 senryu: me myself i and sometimes others 

senryu (lover leaves)

 no koi in the pond, just like that my lover quickly leaves

ryubun [Mangliyé]

 someone's car wheels passin' through rainpuddles. tonight ive sat in front the computer piddling 'round.  i love that for me.  summer congestion, mangliyé roots boiled into tea *mangliyé (manglier) a root in louisiana used to ward off fevers and such. 

ryubun [Movin' Back]

idea entertained 'bout movin' back to Louisiana. at least this time, id be movin' there having made up my own mind; instead of because i was livin' with someone else. the idea of the heathumidityhurricanes give me pause tho.  book on Creole peoplehood, having an edible

ryubun [Never Started]

 never started studying, instead, i read Marlene and printed up articles; to re-orient myself in haikai.  outside, a huge wind someone taking the trash out

senryu (kigo i run from)

 kigo: intellectualizations i run from 

senryu (tattered bed sheets)

  tattered bed sheets, ripped papers left on my desk

senryu (first pissing of the day)

 first pissing of the day: squeezing shadows from my bones

monotanka (rape flower)

 'rape' flower, what a curious name this morning finishing up foreign language index cards

senryu (hot queer men)

 words lose queer men livin' as they please 

senryu (sardonic laughter)

 'i ain' easy honey,' what does sardonic laughter sound like

senryu string

death of several kids, gun reform still bypassed  foodstains on my shirt, ive grown tired of working  - old Cutlass in the yard, pop's pipe has stale scent  - craving pancakes: beyond the night more night 

senryu (haikai-style monostich)

 not haiku not senryu, jus' 'haikai-style monostich' 

senryu (ragamuffin)

 'ragamuffin,' absorbing Marlene's poetic philosophy 

senryu (city mouse country one)

 car parked wildly... senryu is a city mouse haiku a country one 

senryu (no sleep)

 getting no sleep ... lately he's become the enemy 

senryu (wayward dog)

 itching back... another wayward dog in middle of street

senryu (distraught)

distraught... dropping eggs i tie up my hair 

senryu (baptized)

no upcoming holy day... baptized in an empty church 

senryu (womanhood)

 under ashen moon  feeling fullness of my womanhood

senryu (ants in sugar)

 disastrous marriage— finding ants in the sugar 

senryu (hubby returning)

 not quite at home... hubby returning home after long day 

senryu (lilies of the night)

 daylilies: are there lilies of the night

senryu (cause of his problems)

 cause of his problems, he ain't wanted in New York no mo'

senryu (cheese moon)

cheese moon, laborman parking his tired truck 

senryu (white peach)

 sensuousness of a white peach he seems agitated...

juniku senryu

 bowing canna lilies  in and out of myself 

juniku senryu

 tonight very tired... Drew Peterson freaks me out!

senryu (medium done steak)

 medium-done steak ive done all i can for him

senryu (hiss of wild dragons)

hiss of wild dragons... this evening finds me confused 

senryu (peach pits)

pile of peach pits... on the futon watching movies 

senryu (paper mache beehive)

paper mache beehive  hanging from ceiling above sleeping kids

senryu (cake bowl)

scrape of  wooden spoon against  cake bowl 

senryu (Bruno Walter)

Bruno Walter´s Mahler plays  meeting with another faceless john 


paper mache beehive  hanging from ceiling above sleeping kids

American Ghazal 1


Juniku Senryu

newborn pelicans... this morning he and i leave . ghazals written down... house filled with shallow laughter . bag of warmed pralines  tonight begins the ending  .

senryu cluster

pile of peach pits... on the futon watching movies  . hiss of wild dragons... this evening finds me confused  . medium-done steak ive done all i can for him . behind tired eyes television static .

American Sonnet #9 [The Cause of this much Damage...]

  American Sonnet 9 [The Cause of this much Damage...] the cause of this much damage... ion think those kinds of things can always be  quantified. sometimes ion think those things can  always be documented (at least correctly.)  how do you effective transcribe one's dialect?  "all these idioms and colloquialisms—treasures of Blackness ridiculed and called 'ignorant'"  brightness of White tongues wrapping around our words, our  folktales and spiritualities with the sharpness of scythes... 'have you ever seen someone come  smilin' crucifixtions and guillotines?'  ion think there's a number large enough to quantify Black Pain,  Black rage, Black passion or Blackness in and of itself...after all;  Blackness IS the absence of light.

American Sonnet #8 [On the morning of June First...]

 American Sonnet 8 [On the morning of June First...] on the morning of June First wrapped in darkness  at my boss's desk, taking randomness, & locking it  in the skin of American Sonnets, i remember the  semi-flirting banter i had with that one guest; that  Latino homie i thought was cute in a rugged way.  he ain't really hear my blues of lust...that low, hummin'  whine reminiscent of an oboe or a weary cello.  "i mean, I can't paintbrush the abruptness of what  i lust for, on highway billboards, can i!?" 'Dear S- wrote a zuihitsu about affection vs. lust.  what an adventure. I don't really know what im doing when it comes to writing...i just, sort of aimless meander and hope something with substance comes... on June First, i too became one with pre-morning darkness...

senryu (Caligula's laughter)

 Caligula's laughter, insidiousness of mediocre white men 

senryu (civil unrest)

civil unrest... have we outgrown  decency 

senryu (silent hotel)

silent hotel... watching multiple episodes  of 'Forensic Files' 

senryu (34 counts)

curl of his lip idea of '34 counts'  bring joy 

sedoka (grazing horses)

grazing horses in that field outside  of this godforsaken town... on the kid's lap a goldfish bowl as we leave in a blue station wagon 

sedoka (turning off burner)

slowly  turning off the burner where tea-water warms— my neighbor Sheila comes to ask for a cheap cigarette to smoke

American Sonnet #7 [Hey Terrance, tonight...]

  American Sonnet 7 [Hey Terrance, tonight...] hey Terrance, tonight im thinking of Caligula's madness  of his slide into the darkness of no-reason and upside  down antics. it is 3:39 am and the second day since 'Agent Orange' was convicted on 34 counts. Interestingly it is Black/Brown bodies willing to hold him accountable  for his misdeeds. The swirl of uncertainty coupled with  brazen fear at what tomorrow will bring settles thickly  on humans. most of us are moving hesitantly under this blazing sky, our footsteps uneven and our breath ragged.  these are topsy-turvy days, and most of us are a hair's breath away from running screaming from this burning  house of cards. 'how are you?' 'im fine...' all words in that  frame ring hollow. the smiles we flash at each other are plastic, and forced. reality is dead and we perpetually  move in twilight hoping for the brilliance of day.

tanka (liquidating)

liquidating  certain things  learned  over the last ten years— my beta fish pass away 

American Sonnet #6 [I often think of the 'White gaze'...]

 American Sonnet 6 [I often think of the 'White gaze'...] i often think of the 'White gaze,' but i think of it differently than Ancestor Morrison and others.  in the eyes of the Whites, come mythologies and  folktales to explain the world and people's around them. concerning Melanated folks, the white gaze  has long created swollen accounts, mythologies that  bear no resemblance to actual Black/Brown lives, but then again; when telling myths or folktales; does truth even really matter? (ain't it ironic that most Black/Brown souls learn of self  and others through White mythologies/folktales...those  anemic accounts, often disfigured and heavy with invention  never quite putting finger to pulse of truth—just  reinforcing such contrived tales. i weep. i writhe and seethe in anger, in confusion, in everything in between IN  the face of White eyes and White lies that tell us of our lives. 

American Sonnet #3 [America is a place...]

 American Sonnet 3 [America is a place...] America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  ive tried to offer rosaries of forgiveness, yet the  stone eyes of Mary and upturned face of a cru- cified Jesus remain impassive and UNpassionate. America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  America is the place of two laws and many lies.  the journey to a Hell has never seemed as real as now. 

American Sonnet #4 [Pride Month: queer people...]

 American Sonnet 4 [Pride Month: queer people...] Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life Pride Month: queer folk don't owe you any explanations  for the spaces we take up. this earth has always been  big enough to accomodate our various magic and  manifestations. if you find that you do not or cannot  handle queer people; then by all means get the fuck on! we do not nor have ever required YOUR permission to BE!