American Sonnet #4 [Pride Month: queer people...]

 American Sonnet 4 [Pride Month: queer people...]

Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets

Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets

Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets

Pride Month: queer people never belonged in closets

Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life

Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life

Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life

Pride Month: queer people season this often bland life

Pride Month: queer folk don't owe you any explanations 

for the spaces we take up. this earth has always been 

big enough to accomodate our various magic and 

manifestations. if you find that you do not or cannot 

handle queer people; then by all means get the fuck on!

we do not nor have ever required YOUR permission to BE!


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