[When Saigon Fell] a zuihitsu


[When Saigon Fell] a zuihitsu

thinking of a few things tonight. on the whim i decide to try and jot a zuihitsu. i don't really 

have anything in mind except the phrase, "when Saigon fell." Saigon fell in 1975, and i did 

find myself wondering; what was my mother doing at that time? i know she graduated high-

schoo in '77—so id imagine she was a young woman in 10th grade, growing and experiencing 

a young adult's world at that time. (i miss monmon!)


its been a long time since i've watched MSNBC, CNN, or ABC news. im so disconnected from the 

obvious poison of everything; BUT im strangely tuned in to the spirit of the time—the political tur-

moil, the menace of an Authoritarian Fascist Dictatorship. the very fabric of what was, seems to be 

quickly fraying. quickly disappearing. 


going through my personal things, i think i might need to order myself some more Sauvage colgone

as well Exclamation parfume and Bluegrass perfume. 


a father meets his Vietnamese child that was conceived during his time there during the war. he never

knew she existed. he stumbled on her quite accidentally. 


wanting to immigrate to Usania. these days i wonder if that is a noble pursuit (or feasible). 


US GI's fathered many children that reside in foreign countries. I wonder how many got the opportunity to connect with their fathers. Id imagine that many have never connected and don't even know. 


 tear in the kite when Saigon fell 


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