American Sonnet #3 [America is a place...]

 American Sonnet 3 [America is a place...]

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

ive tried to offer rosaries of forgiveness, yet the 

stone eyes of Mary and upturned face of a cru-

cified Jesus remain impassive and UNpassionate.

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

America is the place of two laws and many lies. 

the journey to a Hell has never seemed as real as now. 


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