Short Piece on 'Colorblindness'

 real quickly beloveds, i wanna highlight something. the graphic posted below this tweet; highlights something that has been with us as long as Racism has been with us—this notion of 'Colorblindess.' 

The concept of CB seems innocuous enough, but those kinds of concepts...

...are what makes Racism and Racial Bias so insidious. The concept 'appears' to be innocent and well-meaning. It is anything but. Not seeing someone's color, trying to see everyone as homogenous means you don't acknowledge or respect my differences, my lived experiences... usually  means you only acknowledge the world and people that look and have experiences like yourself. That is NOT reality, nor is it the world we ALL inhabit. This world is and will continue to be beautifully diverse like a big ass Potluck; comprised of many dishes...

...and our jobs are to respect and acknowledge that everyone has a right to exist, take up space, 'bring a dish,' have a seat at 'the table' etc. We learn from each other so that we can foster understanding, empathetic respect, and peace. Anything else is erasure.


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