senryu cluster

 morning moonflowers, studying teratomas in class

hair rolled up, how to avoid tomorrow's PTA meeting

morning moonflowers, studying teratomas in class

mending socks, i am no one's lover no one's spouse

Kyoshi too strict, colorful streamers of Pride parade

*Takahama Kyoshi, complete ruler of Hototogisu Haiku group and Traditional Haiku

all-seeing eye of tv, watching us sleep this short night

ironing clothes, Ibsen's Nora seems much more glamorous

buying sunglasses at a kiosk, i want the beach today 

'venereal—' of Venus goddess of love, suddenly tired

seeking love as potent as Komodo dragon's saliva

syphilis—'the danger is in not knowing' i think just spurs on my agitations 

discussing 'chemical castration' i order light lunch 

love is when dead leaves walk a sidewalk erratically 

cold coffee, vulgar language appears in haiku too 

potluck: myriad of dishes for unattached folk


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