
Showing posts from March, 2024

senqua (bluesman)

beyond this night i am a bluesman this world a big  floating contraption

senqua (doll's festival)

past these  opened windows  kids celebrating this doll's festival 

senqua (child aborted)

maple moon:  memories  of the child aborted

senqua (sunday mowing)

Sunday morning— neighbor riding a mower in and out of sound 

senqua (smell of new ink)

smell of new ink  pupils dilated after dog  smells her perfume ('senqua' senryu quatrain after Stephen "Tito" Gill's #haiqua) 

senryu (roadside inn)

 at roadside inn in back yard  how long we talk  near ripe figs

senryu (hot stew)

dating a man who loves  black onyx... bowl of hot stew

senryu (porch smoking)

darkness  over house roofs  on the porch  smoking 

senryu (mémèr and pépèr)

mémèr chewin'  black tobacco pépèr calls the dog 'bitch'  * mémèr/pépèr: grandmother/grandfather in Kouri-Vini

senryu (home of bric-a-brac)

this home  of bric-a-brac smoke curls from old man's cigarette

senryu (sideeye me)

morning tea at a cold table  shadows in house  side-eye me

senryu (cello)

richness  of a morning cello  nestling deeper into its sound

senryu (infidelity...)

 in the eyes  of typhoons  reflection of my  infidelity...

senryu (embrace his darkness)

darkness around  arched rainbows i embrace  his darkness

senryu (crossing my heart)

 wild ravens crossing my heart with the coldness my ex arrives

senryu (red gladiolus)

vernal thunder— moman moving 'round  like red  gladiolus

tanka (houseparty)

  over this tired city a Spring time's sugar moon  making my way home from a lovely houseparty 

tanka (unfinished poem)

  feeding my friend's daughter— an unwritten email and unfinished poem on the sleeping computer

senryu (afternoon raining)

  afternoon raining, world bathed in hydrangea's purple laughter

tanka (morning of conflict)

a morning of conflict - behind closed curtains brewing coffee - the eggs not that tasty

tanka (grilling salmon)

quiet neighborhood - someone's grilling salmon my kid hasn't finished college 

senryu group

having a not-at-all shallow lovetalk--individual joggin' a memento left in Berlin---his too-bright laughter  unable to think, the child spinning a red top  God gave birth to Orion, resolve to divorce him stronger greeting a prostitute, Spring arriving more and more  leaving the hotel, lust and fatigue battle it out vernal thunder what is haiku what is senryu what it... thatched-roof chalet, the gardener of Japanese origin 

senryu (gravel driveways)

gravel driveways... a community of people secretive. mysterious

tanka (renewing wedding vows)

renewing their wedding vows in Hawaii now home - ordering things off of Amazon

tanka (detesting where I live)

some days detesting where i live i am a man without a resting place much like Jesus

tanka (drinking sweet mocha)

drinking sweet mocha doing my nails before taking a shower for work

tanka (yellowing grain fields)

parishioners at the slum market -  across the town - yellowing grain fields 

senryu (frayed edges)

frayed edges of a throw... baby's monitor silent 

senryu (simmering rice)

simmering rice... incarcerated man telling me long long stories 

senryu (farmer's planting)

farmers planting wild corn... braiding moman's hair on the porch

senryu (roadside jizo)

another morning of working  roadside jizo watches me blankly

senryu (bright moon)

under a bright moon this city appears blurry  cup filled with scotch

senryu (solitary crane)

a solitary crane  half folded sudden phone call carrying trouble 

senryu (dusty memories)

down hallways dusty memories softness of  a cashmere throw

senryu (yellow peony)

in middle  of yellow peony all of my  childhood memories 

senryu (homeless guy)

homeless guy in the lobby darkness  mocks me 

senryu (ash falling)

ash falling  from burning building walking in and out of people's screams

senryu (tepid tea)

over tepid tea watching him doze you and i  weigh the silence 

tanka (crooked paintings)

in a house of crooked paintings everything  appears upside down  and the people strange

senryu (tranquility)

tranquility— red roundness  of a bittersweet  persimmon 

senryu (crooked Caravaggio)

crooked Caravaggio— ive forgotten what its like to fly

senryu (airport)

walkin' round  airport--- a year from now  traveling to Berlin

senryu (Yuasa's 4line)

vagrancies of life--- reading Yuasa's 4-line Basho translations

senryu (flashes of urban life)

flashes of urban life as train slows down... my senryu

tanka (eating sweet things)

to stop eating sweet things stuffing  myself full of sweet coffee staring into the mouth of night

senryu (enjoying mocha)

nearing time  to leave for work --- enjoying last bit  of mocha 

tanka (abandoned church)

abandoned church and a group of crows  hushed talkin' - deft fingers fix a hole in socks 

tanka (black cowboys)

down to the cowboys in style my friend purchases me a turkey leg

tanka (listenin' to Beyonce)

another Shabat Eve night listenin' to Beyonce... mixin' cocoa into this evenin' dark coffee

tanka (hot flashes)

night  of hot flashes  my ol' man  in a deep sleep... distant thunder 

tanka (whiskey fumes)

lost in whiskey fumes - somewhere  a crying baby - and the wife's stringent bitchin' 

senryu (pecan candy)

pecan candy long conversations with granny

tanka (drowsy haze)

in drowsy haze - i walk into dandelions - underwear discarded there 

tanka (thinking through)

thinking matters through - leaving unwashed dishes - fighting drowsiness 

tanka (nails drying)

nails drying - waiting waiting... after 5 am - watching a comedy special

senryu (mollusk iridescence)

  mollusk mollusk iridescence in a fake pearl

senryu (cigar smoke)

  streaming a tv show: cigar smoke irritates me deeply

senryu (heels and nothing)

 expensive heels: nothing nothing and more nothing 

senryu (who the f*ck is john)

  starting stopping 'Dear John' letter who the f*ck is 'John'

senryu - [calculus of a moment] a yotsumono

shootin' a pigeon something lost in translation  robbery downtown: on the I-85 in a blur  craving popcorn a construction worker flirts with me afternoon ennui—the calculus of the lonely moment

senryu (brittle people)

  brittle people brittle thinking a sweeping breeze

senryu (bitter summer)

  in a throng of grass traces of a bitter Summer

senryu (fallen Francis Scott Key bridge)

  fallen FSK bridge yellowed paper with dates

senryu (ferocious crabgrass)

  thistles and bindweed its the crabgrass that's ferocious

senryu (tired of grinning)

  tired of grinning notebook filled with senryu

senryu (is it haiku)

  box geraniums is it haiku when those were mentioned

senryu (trump trial)

  Trump trial in Georgia i wait for the world to start over

senryu (many of Marlene's ku)

 casual thinking: many of *Marlene's ku were senryu ... *Marlene Mountain 

senryu (theres a kigo)

  ambiguous verse someone points out a kigo

senryu (write a senryu)

  man writes a senryu spring day

senryu (newborn flowers)

  newborn flowers he and i trade smirks

senryu (overturned cat dish)

 overturned cat dish  where are my glasses 

group of senryu

 kaleidoscope of broken feelings: sap moon's mockery under a death moon thumbing passin' cars for a ride  overturned wagon: quickly shaving your head in silence  paused for minutes—runaway words run run ruuuuuunnnnn "excuse me, Ares would like his shit back please"  sugar moon: *mémèr chewin' tobacco on the porch  *grandmother  walkin' through loudness of yellow snapdragons walkin' through dead-leaf storm: more koush koush  on and on he talks i type: Monday evening  sweeping bluegrass: folding unfolding his red t-shirt passin' dogs-they avoid me avoiding them  *Pak lasmènn half written apology letter *Easter Week fresh darkness barefoot in the front yard on the bus: meditation disruption meditation disrup... inner cul-de-sac: despising my neighbors new fence new personality still acid rain falls and falls  stumblin' around sleepily everything hazy  Moscato—Venus looks a bit slimmer   in car for hours the many i follow or u...

tanka (slide down five lines)

unfinished puzzle  within this boredom sliding down  these five lines

tanka (tanka on food)

reading  tanka on food  another evening arrives without much hoopla and i luxuriate in it

tanka (red-red tomatoes)

on the counter  piles of ripe  red-red tomatoes — i hate men 

tanka (poisoned watersource)

juicyness of a mandarin orange on the city's edge the people's watersource  becomes poisoned

tanka (boldness of winter moon)

boldness of winter moon  there's something  mystical in the peeling of a baby orange 

tanka (edibles)

edibles  and this  confrontation with all of my forty-two years

tanka (whiteness)

white whiteness  of calla lilies an old woman's  laughter as she reads me verse by Sappho

tanka (regrets)

in a corner  of my one bedroom all of my regrets stacked up  in an uneven pile

tanka (rainpour)

against rainpour watching "The Blacklist" reading tanka tomorrow another shift im not looking forward too

senryu (single trauma)

a single trauma: a cheap comb held in the hands 

tanka (walking the parameter)

on a hilltop cold Spring moonlight and I  walking the parameter of this country hotel 

senryu (backside of cat)

more wine... always the backside  of the cat

senryu (Marlene's Haiku)

'can't really recall' rereading Marlene's haiku before work 

senryu (Spring's first flank)

dead in the woods this Spring's first flank of beef

senryu (Lady Macbeth)

contemptible days --- washing my hands like  Lady Macbeth 

senryu (handing me the syrup)

pretty good conversation: someone handing me the syrup 

tanka (country carnival)

lights from a country carnival --- he and I meet at this all night IHop for a touch 

tanka (growing figs)

growing figs... in the silence of night sharing  a cigarette with a man  with too much on his mind

senryu (bars on window)

bars on the window incense smoke  dances

tanka (undressing)

undressing— interesting ritual we do... now beneath cool sheets a waiting sleep comes

senryu (unfinished emails)

 scent of burning wood several unfinished emails

senryu (LSD)

 talking more about LSD and the sixties: thin fog

senryu (storebought wine)

 after a rainpour more storebought wine: stack of books

senryu (spell Sanskrit)

 beer after beer can barely spell 'sanskrit'

tanka (single dad's club)

member of 'single dad's club...' the kid helps me to bed through drunkenhaze

tanka (blood work)

arm poked and prodded  during bloodwork— *Sandy i know how you felt for your examination Sanford Goldstein, tanka master

tanka (my kid)

my kid content  burning bugs while humming— my beer has a flat taste 

tanka (falling rain)

thin falling rain... moman what do your eyes see from your place in the afterlife 

tanka (therapy session)

my therapy session done— everything i feel  converges into a light calorie rainpour 


set up on a blind date. he was remarkably attractive. well-educated and financially stable. dinner seemed promising until he began denigrating racial equity and the like.  the soup quite delicious  everything  appeared charming until his bigotry showed

senryu group

 basement painting—somewhere a crying turtle pedestrian sign: wanna be as happy as that yellow color  boiling mangliér leaves-headcold has everything muted soaking in morning both 'tepid' quite a word with a weak laugh another day of toiling toiling topsyturvy world: phone call to you keeps dropping  cooked cabbage—somewhere a crying turtle nestled in jonquils *mémèr's pungent regrets  * grandmother in Kouri-Vini trash can liquor...then there's tomorrow

Little Senryu Theory//History

Senryu comes in many flavors. some like to make jokes, puns, satire etc. some like to make fun of things and people. some use #senryu to report what's happening in the news and offer critiques on various subjects and people....then there are others, like myself; who use #senryu as an exact report, an honest diary of the changes in a man's life/the various flavors and evolutions of a human's emotional/mental/spiritual terrain' (to borrow Takuboku's definition of #tanka).  In fact i see #senryu as a partial be used when the strength isn't there to make a full #tanka.  in my case, there are two versions of #senryu. 1. Traditional - a portrait of others, of character types/stereotypes in all of their humaness. 2. Modern - a self-portrait. #senryu mostly lean on the self-portrait side. im writing to tell my stories, my fears, my imaginings, the gamut of humanness.  this is why I agree with #senryu master, Tokizane Shinko; who taught her students tha...

tanka (lougarou-yé)

when we kids were misbehavin' *mémèr would tell us she'd leave us to the *lougarou-yé at night *grandmother in Kouri-Vini *(werewolves) rougarou/lougarou = werewolf or any other human-to-animal shapeshifter in Louisiana Creole folklore/folktales  

senryu (moodstone)

moodstone  turns a stygian black... his charming smile

senryu (what to sing of)

what to sing of     two boys smoking near the tracks

senryu (undetermined)

blackness of coffee my mood... undetermined 

senryu (coffee morning)

coffee morning his  strong fingers shifts trapped energy in my body

sedoka (morning stretches)

finishing  morning stretches — cup of coffee and time  to read before entering  the world of people

tanka (grilling salmon)

grilling salmon a night of eating and  tellin' stories somewhere a light rain falls with no concern

tanka (young skin untouched)

this young skin still untouched— being forty-two age has not caught up with me yet

tanka (senryu aside)

putting  senryu aside tonight reading  Goldstein and spilling  minutiae in tanka

tanka (under creole moon)

 under  a cold Creole moon  the lit end  of a cigarette is all i see of this stormy man 

senryu (koubiyon)

  *koubiyon cooked in Lafayette: Creole people under Creole moon * short broth over fish and rice, a Creole delicacy

senryu (taste of peppermint)

  bouquet of lilies: i enjoy the taste of peppermint

senryu (2 slices of bread)

 approaching heat everything else between 2 slices of bread

senryu (ordering a Noh mask)

 bored, ordering a Noh mask off Amazon 

senryu (hooky from work)

 rainy playground, playing hooky from work 

senryu (child sees Jesus)

a child sees Jesus— cleaning  my glasses 

senryu (sensuousness of strawberry)

 sensuousness of strawberry, i put away my own selfishness

senryu (kid wants big sugar moon)

 returning home, my kid wants the big sugar moon 

senryu (freeze-tag Issa)

 children playing freeze-tag, i think of Issa 

tanka (reading Takuboku)

 over dinner reading and re-reading  *Takuboku— my own life's music  sadly dissonant and minor * Ishikawa Takuboku, famous Modern Japanese tanka poet

tanka (Buddha mentality)

just Tuesday... no i see just how  ephemeral  the Buddha mentality  really is 

senryu group

 bayou-evening, can't escape the ghosts of our past * andouille sausage boiled quietly, end of workday  * badly folded paper flowers all over room: another Tuesday *

senryu (marijuana)

 marijuana: anything to dull my anxiety 

senryu (sun over tombstones)

 sun over tombstones, i avert my gaze 

senryu (newly white)

 newly pregnant, eggshell white appears to be white

senryu (waning moon)

 waning moon, more apple butter on these biscuits 

senryu (ignoring old friend)

  ignoring an old friend, thoughts scattered everywhere

senryu (noon moonflowers)

 feeling whimsical noon moonflowers nod their heads in passing

senryu (whiskey on the rocks)

 whiskey on the rocks... everyone looks at me oddly

senryu (in my own way)

 mostly in my own way, biting into a red red apple 

senryu (aging sucks)

 'aging sucks!' i feel you kid, i feel you 

tanka (primary care physician)

 replaying  through my mind  everything  my primary care physician told me... i wanna be a kid again 

senryu group (2some)

 humorless today—doctor's visit was in itself a revelation * tossing bread to ducks, yes i use commas in my senryu 

American Branch of Senryu Tradition

 In 1910 the tradition of Senryu was transplanted to America by Shinjiro 'Kaho' Honda, in Yakima, Washington.  The Japanese/American branch of Senryu Tradition is 114 yrs old. 

senryu (thinning winter)

 thinning winter wanting the full force of coldness to return

senryu (tulips be damned)

heading toward a dead end then returning roadside tulips be damned

senryu (burning with fever)

skin burning  with fever child  resembles cooked potato 

haiku/senryu group

 amaryllis—unfinished letter to my dead mother  * calla lilies seems ill miss the opera next week * instead of work id rather be a bookworm tiger moss * green apples the approaching elections leaves me fearful * unopened beer: news report of another law being repealed * summer opera—again i become a know-it-all 

haiku group

Doll's festival— grownups enjoying liquor from the corner store * the Spring begins: a new vacuum cleaner bought outside of town * my Christmas lights and tree are still up— Lincoln's Birthday * Annunciation: smoothing the wrinkles from this brand-new white gown * almond-blossoms— these days unable to escape myself  * painted Easter eggs: the child i never had eighteen years old * perusing kites my childhood fears return in strong strong waves * April Fool's Day: at store buying  moon-man cookies  * rape flowers  a new notebook full of  lovely senryu 

senryu (jukejoint)

askin' for directions  ignoring him  i head to the jukejoint

senryu (no clean water in Flint)

  no clean water in Flint, remorse for expensive dress

senryu (rusted anchor)

rusted anchor more graceful than i in muck'n mire

senryu (Virgin Mary side-eyes)

 slightly tipsy the Virgin Mary statue side-eyes me...

senryu (Buddah-like smile)

Buddah-like smile... red geraniums  blush 

senryu (Buddah)

Buddha... nothing like him  and thats ok

tanka (all that i think i know)

shoes  in the corner  of this room... all that i think i know  has come at a price 

tanka (Buddah-like smile)

in this  afternoon hotel standing giving each guest my  Buddha-like smile

tanka (baby becomes sweet...senryu)

tossing  the baby up  in the air she becomes a sweet laughing senryu 

tanka (biting my tongue)

biting my tongue against making a smartass retort coolness  of this late afternoon  stacked up at the backdoor

tanka (Tant Blé)

the old folks  talkin' of the tent revival  in the kitchen  with *Tant Blé baking another sweet potato cobbler  * Aunt Blue in Kouri-Vini

tanka (mémèr a bit frazzled)

sweet potatoes in a very thick syrup  simmering... that last phone call from billcollector left *mémèr a bit frazzled  * grandmother in Kouri-Vini

tanka (ain't a senryu day)

today  ain't a 'senryu' day... whatever i see hear or experience i throw into the skin of a tanka 

tanka (for M. Kei)

staggering lines in my tanka diary  how long  since i've heard from the man  who mentored me in poetry

tanka (child's coloring book)

whimsical— buying myself a child's  coloring book  all afternoon ignoring everything  trying to color within the lines 

tanka (wild sea bottled up in his guts)

staring at  his side profile  my man... there's a dark and wild sea bottled up in his gut of guts

tanka (my line of reasoning)

no structure  to any of my thoughts... my line of reasoning as to why i continue to  deny our reconciliation 

tanka (things inside folded up)

we don't speak of all the things inside of me that are folded  and stored on shelves  collecting thick dust...

tanka string

unpainted  window shutters  and inside  my moman's dresses all dulled by the darkness another  afternoon shift  today  taking all my time  just to remain sane  cute man  dressed in a blue hoodie— this is my life consisting of lust and  a sense of discontentment what is it  about a man... pondering that line of questioning  a child's red lollipop  a couple  seated in the lobby— passing trucks here and there this Monday  i wish i could be on vacation and  for a moment  writing of  whatever will come  a tanka takes shape  staggering lines in my tanka diary  how long  since i've heard from the man  who mentored me in poetry meeting  another conceited man... over a cheap beer listening to him talk  of nothing but himself  today  ain't a 'senryu' day... whatever i see hear or experience i thrown into the skin of a tanka  watching someone's child biting a ...

tanka (waking up)

waking up prayers said quietly before stretching— i think ill go get my  feet done before work

tanka (lying in bed)

lying in this bed suddenly  im aware that im forty two yrs old 

tanka (visiting Germany)

visiting Germany— stopping for sweets a woman  with bright blue hair smiles when passing

tanka (shogun's helmet)

in glass case Shogun's helmet i feel the sting  of a rain of arrows sailing under-earth

tanka (make-believe rocking chair)

make-believe rocking chair by me— ol' man sorrow a constant companion day-in and day-out

tanka (rainy sidewalks)

on rainy sidewalks wet leaf-confetti after surfing  the Internet i finally slide beneath cool sheets

tanka (swelling apricot)

swelling  apricot buds... afternoon  disturbed by the  breath of cicadas

tanka (in obscurity)

in obscurity... a morning rainpour  just as i  slide beneath cool sheets into the mouth of a dream

tanka (Adagio)

Adagio... during breakfast watching  two married men  make eyes at each other 

tanka (Sunday morning)

Sunday morning counting down time  for shift's end... my mind's already  stepped into the wet darkness 

tanka (from my bag of tricks)

from my bag of tricks the slow fall of all my dignity... i want revenge on him 

tanka (in the back office)

in the back office reclining in the darkness too many  parked cars in a drenched lot this early rainy Sunday 

sedoka (sip after sip)

sip after sip of cold water  a night shift  ending... smell of mint through the lobby

tanka (in the back office)

in the back office reclining in the darkness too many  parked cars in a drenched lot this early rainy Sunday 

tanka (moman's wisdom)

hidden among  my moman's wisdom doors that opened into a wildness i found  quite attractive and addictive 

sedoka (broken mirrors)

broken mirror— with this current man ive grown tired of accepting  life and all of his imperfections 

sedoka (Tosca tonight)

listening  to an old recording  of Tosca tonight— green tea with some creamer my sense of safety 

tanka (book banning)

book banning... just before bed thinking  is it possible to ban dumbass people  calling for every ban

tanka (brand new penny)

shinier than a brand new penny... his laughter  when he's ashamed and  nervous about something 

tanka (grating harsh laughter)

grating  harsh laughter  from a woman wounded by too much life and too many people

tanka string

 unfastening button and zipper  another  faceless john in  the alley's darkness on the ground a brand of cigarette  my moman smoked— cabbage simmers  quietly on the stove the daughter ive never had  grown now... arranging the sash  on her prom gown  finality— in this sage-burned  apartment  boxes filled with things  ive completely outgrown im told to  arrange all of my stories in 5-7-5-7-7— my daughter's dark hair  pressed straight for church another midnight confronting my pain... always this  soft dance between blame and taking accountability  drinking... the amber color of  fresh whiskey  strangely enough i think of  Takuboku and chuckle to myself shifting sea:  tonight i meet a man  wearing a  pomegranate colored suit at the local jukejoint  juxtapositions... Amelia Fielden says  tanka are  quite fragmentary... burning old love letters the answers  to mos...

sedoka (certain desperation)

smoking— and for a long time after that carrying  that scent and a  certain desperation

tanka (linoleum floors)

remembering  white scrubbed  linoleum floors moman wasn't the nicest  and dad was barely there 

2 tanka (laced shoes and Dostoyevsky)

tired— making a quick cup of black coffee these tennis shoes  laced up quite tightly . reading  Dostoyevsky this small space where young camelias grow in obscurity

tanka (plastic knives)

plastic knives purchased last week domesticated life foreign to me just like being his 'wife'

tanka (slicing fruit)

slicing fruit for my new lover — late afternoon trip  to the beach  the blue of the sea

tanka (abused kids)

abused kids plastic smiles on  withered souls— the lasting effects of these behavior modification groups

tanka (Synanon)

documentary on Synanon rehab— how many kids have had their brains  thoroughly washed

tanka (a seance)

after midnight confronted with memories  that don't belong to me— attending a seance to bring up what exactly

tanka (abused kids)

abused kids being brainwashed repeatedly — my father really knows i deeply despise him

tanka (bag of dead leaves)

bags  of dead leaves near the door... so much of my life is sterile and boring

tanka (5-7-5-7-7 format)

bit of a breeze through standing puddles trying hard to put my thoughts  in 5-7-5-7-7 format

tanka group

 heavy rain falling when i wake up wondering if I should get my toes done— car wheels thru puddles . watching  "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" this year of the Dragon i search for my own fire . no pedicure for some man... ironing  an old work shirt for an old job  . instead of sleeping rereading "The Great Gatsby"— your copy of "The Grapes of Wrath" barely even touched . [ deputy commissioner hank abrams on SVU] eating  peanut M&Ms after dinner the deputy commissioner is an unrepentant pedophile

senryu (edge of willow barrel)

edge of willow barrel... floating world floats on  

senryu (unsung hero)

 unsung hero—moman's sewing ability 

senryu (daylaborers return)

 daylaborers return: bath beer drunken stupor lie ahead

senryu (unfinished senryu)

"don't force it..." several senryu left unfinished 

senryu (bed unmade)

 welcoming hot shower bed left unmade 

monotanka (red ribbon)

 old barrel full of rainwater tying and untying a frayed red ribbon around a tree 

senryu (Ramadan)

 Ramadan: fasting from dysfunctional family 

senryu (Ides of March)

 avoiding furtive looking folks—Ides of March 

monotanka (bitter memories)

faintly bitter memories ive grown familiar with using field notes zuihitsu 

monotanka (swaying doors)

those swaying doors ... places ive been carry stale energy of my being there miso soup

monotanka (no sugar)

no sugar for cake baking down the street little girl becomes a woman too soon 

monotanka ditych

 reading René Descartes a bumpy ride in an old bus—last nights' fight unresolved  * plenty of cotton candy this random lover telling me of dreams i don't care about 

monotanka (another workshift)

 doesn't take much for my temper and frustration to rise: another evening workshift 

monotanka (Rodin's Gates of Hell)

 on a Friday receiving your handwritten letter—Rodin's 'Gates of Hell' holds special appeal 

monotanka (bullet trains)

 dreams moving faster than bullet trains—early spring pollen and sneezing 

monotanka (can you surry)

 a time i had askin' that man "*can you surry? can you picnic?' windy afternoon  * lyrics from Laura Nyro's 'Stoned Soul Picnic'

monotanka (rotting peaches)

we don't get along much: the scent of rotting peaches reminds me of moman 

monotanka (brand new wagon)

 afternoon strolling   quietness of my daughter startling red of her brand new wagon 

tanka (red sound dense silence)

 preoccupied man  on a late afternoon train  moving into a red sound a dense silence 

3 lined tanka group

sitting in a Starbucks waiting for his arrival  wondering how many years will I live  . whiskey bottles on reserve too long--- America still dealing with racism is beyond ridiculous . a cloudy Tuesday afternoon wrapped up in a  caffeine revolution and thoughts . when we meet to hang out quickly turning off my phone without being told to  . lunch on a grassy knoll  deviled eggs and cold cuts a young woman and her kid  . watching baby play with  a plump stuffed kangaroo... something bad's about to come i feel . daydreaming listening to Laura Nyro's "Lu" — clouds in the shape of elephants  . "*go live as long as an elephant..."  sound of eggs being whisked for a late breakfast *lyrics from Laura Nyro's "Woman's Blues" . "*my baby don't love me?  hitchike and damn be done!"  on the porch shellin' peas *lyrics from Laura Nyro's "Woman's Blues" 

tanka (hallway of mirrors)

a hallway of mirrors  empty eyes  staring at me intently  I often feel like  the mad hatter 

tanka (Hydra constellation)

in wild green dreams of tossing my enemies to the Hydra constellation - a light rainpour of dense darkness

tanka (as a wild beast)

sometimes as a wild beast full of blood  i stare in disbelief at the thoughts  that fill my head toward enemies

tanka (in a kaftan)

blazing yellow of sunflowers in a kaftan  walking barefoot and  drinking mocha... in and out of birdsong 

tanka (Hudson River)

underbelly of black black crows... a young man  meeting his girlfriend  near the Hudson River

tanka (mass of blackbirds)

short form poetries  are great for discussing anything ... a mass of blackbirds  congregate in the backyard

tanka (he and i)

he and i  over a good dinner looking at Switzerland  or even Norway  to leave American for 

tanka (for ol' man Trump)

blood-red spider lilies ... watching a PBS special on January 6... ambivalent in my emotions  for ol' man Trump

tanka (silly old white men)

disgraceful Giuliani... the country  in the hands of  silly old white men --- soaking pinto beans for dinner 

tanka (american politics...)

American politics... a mass bayou of acidic mud... acrid stench wafts in from  the refuse field outside of town 

tanka (hate mail of Liz Cheney)

restless tonight  in and out  of the house  thinking of the hate mail  Liz Cheney's received

tanka (in this tanka-skin)

tanka not just the poetry of love affairs  and wet sleeves --- piling all of my emotions  in this tanka-skin 

tanka (jan 6th insurrection)

reliving images  in collected video  of the Jan 6th insurrection... suddenly humanity  looks very animalistic

tanka (two men)

gazing at the veins in a dying leaf this partially cold day remembering how im in love with two men

tanka (we streetcars)

old morning  all we streetwalkers huddled together  the trashcan fire burns burns burns 

tanka (LoLo's chicken and waffles)

Sunday brunch... chicken and waffles  at LoLo's  the pastor's wife in her  ill-fitting pantsuit 

dodoitsu (run in my stocking)

on a Sunday bus to a church  way across the town... run in my stocking

dodoitsu (slice of strawberry cake)

when i should be sleep in the kitchen  cutting another slice  of strawberry cake

tanka (between senryu or tanka)

in bed instead of sleeping choosing between reading senryu  or tanka

tanka (son's hatred)

on the counter brown paper bag of figs a son's hatred for his mother 

senryu (wasabi peas)

wasabi peas and  soy all  over the place

senryu (coming spring)

coming  Spring  seeing  him in a white  robe

tanka (pissed off)

pissed off  by a colleague i finally  drift off  to sleep

senryu (my memoirs...)

this thing about senryu  my memoirs archives

senryu (cancer's coldness)

smoothness  of her shaved head... cancer's coldness

senryu (alone again)

hands across my head tomorrow all alone again 

[Red Thirst] a senbun/ryubun

red of a MAGA hat often leaves me repulsed and fearful. so many rights and liberties infringed upon by them and their bloodthirsty 'god.'  writing... psychopath running for  President 2024

senryu (around my neck...)

wrap your hands around my neck... brittle leaves

senryu (munching on apple slices)

munching on  apple slices  hope you're lonely too

senryu (man in birdcage)

cold Sabbath thoughts of keeping a man in birdcage

senryu (untouched man)

slaughtered crabgrass—pale bones of an untouched man

senryu (table lamp)

  sex-worker: buying another table lamp

senryu (women's heels fading)

  lonely night sound of women's heels fading

senryu (all things die)

all things die - first blue betta then red  

senryu (police tape)

quiet Sabbath... bright yellow of police tape 

senryu (senryu my kid)

eating  French Burnt Peanuts... ev'ry senryu my kid

senryu (i love senryu)

  drawn face on melon—i truly love Senryū

senryu (bent Venetian blinds)

bent Venetian blinds defiantly keeping Christmas tree up

senryu (paper emperors)

paper emperor— great-grandma misses  the *chrysanthemum * the royal throne of the Emperors of Japan has often been referred to as the 'Chrysanthemum throne' 

senryu (wasabi snacks)

overnight shift done— eating Wasabi soy snacks

senryu duo (broccoli & weather)

steamed broccoli each crispy bite another thought  . topsy-turvy weather first cold then  hot

senryu (warming food)

warming food... the time  growing late

senryu (wild sea)

home for quick dinner before work— tonight's wild sea

tanka (many thoughts)

eating before work the ghost  of many thoughts pass through  my mind

senryu (leftover doubts)

fragrant apricots with morning rain  leftover doubts 

tanka (canned margarita)

needing something  anything... a guest brings me  a canned margarita

tanka (moman's grave)

coolness of  aged tombstones... i have not  been to moman's grave  since her departing

tanka (coffee grounds)

heading to bed  ive left a mini-strainer filled with coffee grounds i'll pour hot water over once awake 

sedoka (i see God as feminine)

random memory  of Lincoln logs  spilled on the floor  my friend's upset that I see God  as feminine

sedoka (other than senryu)

a cool morning rain falling... its been a while  since I've written anything  other than senryu 

tanka (unfinished email)

suddenly tired... leaving  the email  unfinished i head to bed

dodoitsu (Momotaro)

this morning's coffee has a burned taste— thinking of *Momotaro the Japanese folkhero * Momotaro is the title character in a Japanese folktale. Found as a baby floating in a peach on a river.

dodoitsu (dark curtains)

house down the road white with peeling paint the dark curtains  are left un-ironed

dodoitsu (canned goods)

in this Texas city  feeling out of place stocking and restocking  canned goods

senryu (mud tracks)

  morning shoes mud tracks left on the carpet

sedoka (Jun Fujita)

when i should be asleep  tangled up  in the four-lined tanka of the first master of English tanka  Jun Fujita-san 

tanka (toni morrison)

incredibly tired of this world— losing myself *Morrison's  "Sulla" and  "Recitatif"  * the great Black author/editor, and now ancestor; Toni Morrison 

tanka (mention of ceasefire)

mention of 'ceasefire'  im at the end of my rope with being pleasant to customers

tanka (uneaten melon)

these days  my pen aimlessly  moving across the page whiteness of some  uneaten melon 

sedoka (Palestinian father)

burned out  and over this job— anguished face of a Palestinian father  who's young daughter  has been killed 

sedoka (moman's obituary)

a quietness today  with active birds moman's obituary  on the wall  her face and my  still-numb emotions 

tanka (twisting darkness)

there is no preacher no Catholic priest to exorcise this twisting darkness deep down in my gut

sedoka (looming presidential election)

'tanka' vs 'gogyohka'— every few months  going between terms  this looming Presidential election leaves a fear twisting in my stomach   

tanka (leaving my senryu world)

leaving my senryu world for a moment... jotting down a tanka  after 5 am 

tanka (next lover)

asking myself  over wine will my next lover be older  or younger

sedoka group (for Trent-Tlaj)

[for Tlaj] random phone call from him... the young one  I find attractive  tonight's rain  falling falling falling  - he's heading home from Houston thinking of me  he says he wanted me to keep him awake while driving 

sedoka (whirlwind of pleasure)

a whirlwind of pleasure he and I  on the balcony drinking a thin  but cold rain  falling nonchalantly 

tanka (Akiko)

"Akiko its the 21st Century there's nothing sensual  about *disheveled hair!" * Yosano Akiko, the great modern poet of the Myojo school, called her first collection "Midarigami" (disheveled/tangled hair)

tanka (for sandy goldstein)

[for Sanford Goldstein] my Christmas tree  still up  still lit— rereading the tanka  of Sandy Goldstein 

tanka (for sandy goldstein)

[for Prof. Sanford Goldstein] staring at a photo of Sandy... i wonder "do you write tanka in the afterlife?"

tanka group

stained moon... i hoard  another reason to  find him  exceedingly distasteful . bored i try my hand at arranging flowers a moon arranges the tide . tonight all my excuses hidden behind the steam from my coffee . recycled themes and words in his tanka ... i suppose we are kindred .

dodoitsu (fragrant cigarette)

enjoyment of a  fragrant cigarette... rewatching "Alfred Hitchcock  Presents" .

dodoitsu (wash day)

wash day— while the laundry tumbles red beans simmer on the stove

dodoutsu (white bones)

there is rain falling on white bones  an exposed body in a field 

senryu group

spinnin' carousel horses don't look too happy  . sudden rainpour guy i want doesn't want me

senryu (graffiti rain)

graffiti rain with this life wingin' it

senryu (closed-caption)

closed-caption TV ordering take-out

senryu (séance...)

séance...its much more easier pulling up weeds

senryu (shape of pain)

 shape of unpolished sickle in dead of night 

gembun (acid rainpour)

strange beauty in a acid rainpour— days spent consoling my  inner child

cherita (something's always tattered)

 something's always tattered... realizing  ive never forgiven moman redness of a  dying dahlia

cherita (tattered magazine)

 tattered magazine— half-eaten  Reece's cup  on the table with my regrets

senryu (grandchild's song)

grandchild's song .... what do i look like at sixty 

senryu (holds someone else's child)

watching how he  holds someone else's child   

senryu (doll's eyes blink)

 dozing off suddenly startled—doll's eyes blink 

senryu (writing and selecting senryu)

living made  writing and  selecting senryu...

gogyohka (autonomy, no one asked Mary)

'autonomy'— no one asked Mary  if she wanted  to carry  a baby

senryu (how deep is love)

actually how deep is  love

senryu ('x' over private parts)

child's wide eyes... 'x' over doll's private parts

senryu (toy soldier)

some things i dont share— toy soldier missing a leg

senryu (peonies...he'll grow up gay)

'peonies peonies peonies'   "he'll grow up gay..." 

senryu group

 list of 'things to do' left on counter untouched  mowing lawn that doesn't belong to me—decency  midnight—silhouette of the church spire stuffing self with chocolate—thats it thats all 

senryu (cats and dogs laugh)

 warming biscuits...i suppose cats and dogs laugh at humans

senryu (dying just a lil bit)

 everyday 'dying just a lil bit' it occurs to me 

senryu (neither wilting or flower)

 wilting flowers—neither wilting or a flower 

senryu (my teeth hurt)

attending Mass  my teeth hurt 

senryu (bottom of River of Heaven)

where we stand  staring up at bottom River of Heaven

senryu (dead animals)

 ferryman— do dead animals go to next world

senryu (lovers chosen for looks)

 lovers: primarily chosen for their looks 

senryu (for Brandon Kent - RIP)

 (for Brandon Kent) fragrant chocolate cosmos—haiku poet enters * Olam Haba *the world to come in Judaism

senryu (eating soft pretzels)

'eating soft pretzels...' that's it that's the poem

senryu (smoothness of whiskey)

 smoothness of whiskey— everything beautiful to me

senryu (kid's blank look)

 kid's blank look when meeting a stranger 

[Darkening Time] a one line senryu rengay

darkening time: every now and then passing car vacation to West Virginia cocktails and... visiting a Sheraton - old things fade away fast behind black curtains, wilting flowers getting my nail's done death of Danny Casalaro morning rainstorm slow burning of incense 

senryu (regretful tears)

  smelling of cut grass old woman's regretful tears

senryu (beyond a cold midnight)

  the things i process beyond a cold midnight

senryu (wilting camellias)

  wilting camellias still awake a little after 3 am

senryu (3am for work)

  up at 3am, more work my tired is tired