tanka/monotanka (sedoka) collection

 all this 

hotel laughter

behind me 

hearing the rushing of 

dark waters 


by a white guy

for speaking Ebonics

without any shame

more than one argument

about Black English...

there will be 

no more code switching by me 

bite into a crisp apple 

his pungent coffee 

hides his contempt

at my Southern drawl

"King's English" 

and Vernaculars ...

when did speech 

become so elitist 

early this morning 

a glass of peach schnapps...

some days 

i just dont give a f*ck anymore 


will i be crucified 

for speaking 

in all my Blackness...

"oh you speak so well" 

'for a Black man' 

i say to myself 

already my body is tired with fatigue—before work, another swig of flavored vodka

lust sunk deep inside me, Black men White men Mixed men and still this...foreboding 

not hungry yet starving and...a fifteen minute bus ride to work seems like a trip to hell 

beautiful devils check in, phone number slid to me, a smile and invitation for later


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