Senryu Theory Thoughts (Senryu is like the Blues)

  I tend to think of senryu as real earthy, both feet on the ground verses that find a way to bring some sort of illumination/beauty/enlightenment with the casual, mundane things we all see and experience every minute of every day; if that makes sense.

I tend to think of senryu as the Blues. The Blues tells things as they are. Often, they are not interested in making grand enlightenments, but they tell the fullness of our experiences, thoughts, emotions, doings etc. The Blues doesn't always seek to present escape from a thing/situation/problem etc but the Blues starkly presents what is and finds a way to humorize it, induce tears, nonchalance etc. In many ways, the Blues reminds us we're human, and its ok to express our reactions to Life's various things...the Blues also beautifies Life in general and even in singing of troubles, heartaches, hatred, the negative points of Life, the Blues finds something beautiful/meaningful within those situations. This is what I think #senryu do.


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