WRITING IDEAS (Zuihitsu form)


     Seated in the back office watching those kids eat breakfast. I can’t remember what life was like when I was a kid. Most times, a part of me wishes I could be young again. Free, without any cares; and still taken care of by moman. 


     Moman’s been gone since 2019. That’s been five whole years. I told my therapist that it all seems unreal. Told my therapist, I didn’t think I’d properly processed any of my emotions surrounding moman’s transition. Intellectually, I know she isn’t here. That vacuum though…it never closes and there isn’t anything that can fill it (at least that’s what I believe). 


     Vaguely remembering what life was like at 6110 Willow. That street where I grew up. We grew up in moman’s childhood home. I’m the only child who remembers Mémær (Moman’s mother). She was such a loveable woman. Such a pillar in our family. I often wonder what life would have been like if she hadn’t transitioned herself. 


Pacing these hotel floors tonight…watching the same hotel guest children going back and forth to the coffee stand. Powdered hot chocolate stains the white counter top. A part of me would like to run up to the front and shoo them away…


I ate a piece of chocolate so far. 


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