tanka cluster

big-eared dog

passes me by 

somewhere in the dark 

hearing someone's cough 

and a lighter lighting a cigarette


another night

at the job...


things settle down 

and remain peaceful



behind glasses

have seen 

two World Wars and 

discrimination rise and fall 


surreal evening 

a shirtless guest


a container-full of ice

this hotel life begins 



strange around

these words...

trying to arrange them 

in slsll according to convention



a ringing phone 

and no one 

on the end...

overnight begins sluggishly 



the eaves

a wasp's nest

the bee hive in my heart

trembles slightly 


for a moment 

standing in front of 

these leaf-like 

electric doors...

night steps in 


scrubbing my hands...

the film

of day

clings stubbornly 

to my fingers


a dog moon...
strolling the hotel property
this balmy heat
stains the pavement too 
as usual
making eyes
at every man 
that passes
summer heat blooms


a lone man 

cutting across 

a parking lot

and i in back office

unspooling words


it is 

a warm night 

with a full moon 

i am still trying to 

get comfortable at work 


coffee-shop talks —

in the interim


the beige vest 

daddy wore to work


full moon 

popping up in the sky

handsome man 

passes by telling me

"good eve'nin boss." 


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