senryu set
redness of spider lilies
intersection of santiy and madness
rests under my tongue
curve of reason
in my mind
always autumn
a young girl lives
in tree-roots
construction debris
on a night-walk
Campbell soup can
tea candles...
small breeze disturbs
lilies in my stomach
inky black—
no memory of time
before birth
aching neck...
avoiding the eyes of
thousand-armed Kannon
beach-side villa
in sand all of my discarded darkness
ordinary river
my body curls up
becomes something else
universe's laughter
water lotuses
crimson blush
scrolling on the phone
whiskey's brownness deepens
winter plum blossoms
i am amicable
i am virginal
orange of carrots
death's eyes are bright. are kind
cumulonimbus clouds
struggling to put on pantyhose
re-typing a paper
nothing...discontinued thought
red-red lotuses...
careening car on the lonely road
menacing darkness
impregnates me
reading her haiku...
cheap notepad
full of words
steaming green tea
settling the mouth of the bathtub
my libido engaged the scent of mulberries
butterflies rise and fall humans emit a fragrance
evening glows bed-sheets retain their whiteness
awakened after midnight curve of his bare hip
swimming near my pelvis several night clouds
orion's stern gaze i turn into a bending cosmos
wanting a bit of freedom i blow dandelion seeds
the evening sun my shadow and i move conspiratorialy
searching for words...who will inherit this earth
transparent wrap the potato salad isn't yellow
dying butterfly something in me freezes over
deranged woman smiles a camellia hides its color
seeing an apparition no longer an unbeliever
each time i hug him noon grows hotter
thinking of a petal's weight what is Life's purpose
somewhere it is always winter i conceded Life is hard
breathing of my sleeping lover absently scribbling things
white dahlia scarlet chrysanthemum what falls in the dark
into the afternoon sky nothing of particular note
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