senryu set
monday workshift...traces of sunday in my footsteps
whippoorwills: i become a whirling dervish
nothing sacred about today: ordering catfish for dinner
rm 108—meeting him this assignation feels funny
general mgr fired: the day bare's its teeth
alone—coughing for a bit—still alone ...
college campuses—mind's of youth—slowly corroded
gifted liquor—gathering dust—sloped horizon
baby's laughter—i am reborn—washing dishes
ebb and flow
of day....
amber of the beer
with pagan laughter—dislodging—an old bullet
requiem for Tituba...
erasure of Salem women
sea-side inn...
another sliced pear with cream
wearing pink shoes...
Tinkerbell's jealous of me
moon's big eye
hatred blooms in my womb
do i swallow afternoon...
leaving a thought unfinished
summering across town...
open/close of double doors
maman's old abacus...
not much of inheritance left
orange juice too strong—
seeing his blood flow underskin
china dolls arranged haphazardly...
laundry left unfolded
candlelight snuffed out
well-done steak now cold
jealous of younger actress
grey skies mirror mood
glows with a blue light
speaking in hometown dialect
a tough green weed with thorns
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