tanka cluster (from an email to Joy)
on the edge
of all reason
blue fire—
tonight i crochet a memory blanket
for the dead ones
burning a pile of leaves
i hurl
all my thoughts
and all my emotions
into a steady five lines down
laced with Patron...
on this overnight shift
thinking of 'red scares' and the future
of this floating world
*red -scare: reference to McCarthyism that swept the US during the Cold War era with fear of Communism etc
creating tracks
in wet sand
down by the beach i watch
him disappear in waves
empty lobby
and still
the uncomfortable presence
of thoughts
and traumas and fears
staring in a mirror
can i smile
can i move these facial muscles
and command them to show a joy
i do not feel
burnt coffee
and this struggle
to feel alive
to make sense of every
inhale // exhale
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