Inoue Kenkabo, July 1, 1870 – September 26, 1934 (Principle on New Senryu)

 Inoue Kenkabo, July 1, 1870 – September 26, 1934 

#senryu renovator put in place by Shiki. He and His wife Nobuko were master senryu poets and spearheaded a renaissance within the genre, called 'Shin Senryu' (New Senryu). Attached is his principle for this 'New Senryu.'

My Principle on the New Senryu”

Kenkabo Inoue


 My principle is egalitarianism. It is liberalism. It is a simple principle that there is no discrimination between high and low, except for the one who is the top of the human race.

 I was born in Choshu. I am related to Yoshida Shoin, Takasugi Togyo*1, and Terashima Touzan*2, and I was indoctrinated by their principles and conduct, so I take their minds as my own.

At the same time, they were egalitarians. They were liberalists.

 My principle for the new senryu poem is to make this short poem a thoroughly popular art form.

 I think it is only natural that every member of the public should write poems and sing what he or she has created. No, I believe that this is the true meaning of popular art and popular poetry.


1Togyo Takasugi (Shinsaku) *2Tozan Teradera (Chuzaburo)

From the November 1920 issue of Taisho Kayanagi (Taisho Willow).

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