Approximate Fixed Form (notes)

Been trying to write within an 'approximate fixed form,' based on counting the number of words used in a ku as told to me by #tanka poet, Dr Kozue Uzawa. In a few examples, Dr Uzawa showed that the 'typical' ku is usually made up of roughly 8 Japanese words. This notion is what she advocated for #tanka poets. She pushed that instead of counting syllables; one could count the # of words they use. She said that it typically takes between 10-15 Japanese words to make a typical #tanka. For English poets, she suggested...10 to 15 words, or the max of 20 English words to make a tanka. The # of words in a #tanka (and now senryu/haiku) would become the approximated fixed form. Thanks to her and to translator and haiku poet, @AsurasHaiku about 8-10 words are used to compose ku. So ive been challenging myself to stick within that framework to see what I can come up with in terms of content and resonance etc. Its very interesting.


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