senryu group

 vilified, night parking lot becomes angry sea

everywhere i look—dolls, same wide-eyed stares

execution by electrocution—Julius and Ethel Rosenburg : summer lilies 

sound of florist's sissors, we sleep all up on each other 

adjusting a tuxedo seams of reality starting to unravel 

in love with toxic things a morning comes hesitantly 

asking no questions of myself accountability quite rare

man: the eternal fuck-up, taking a bus home from work 

some things never change—overturned garbage can 

pastor leering at me—these biscuits quite hard this morning 

coffee's only made me sleepier who's sheering the sheep

bleeding sepia—nothing poetic flows out of me 

toy bear propped up a woman dealing with mental issues...

vandalism of guest's truck morning comes with its own problems 

bit of unease mixed in my coffee morning like any other 


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