lucille clifton poems II
i have learned
some few things
like when a man
walk manly
he don't stumble
even in the lion's den
what i remember
is green
in the trees
and the leaves
and the smell of mango
and yams
and if i had a drum
i would send to the brothers
—be careful of the ocean—
somebody coming in blackness
like a star
and the world be a great bush
on his head
and his eyes be fire
in the city
and his mouth be true as time
he be calling the people brother
even in the prison
even in the jail
im just only a baptist preacher
somebody bigger than me coming
in blackness like a star
the kiss
as soft as cotton
over my breasts
all shiny bright
something is in this night
oh Lord have mercy on me
i feel garden
in my mouth
between my legs
i see a tree
something about this boy
has spelled my tongue
so even when my fingers tremble
on mary
my mouth cries only
Jesus Jesus Jesus
[the calling of the disciples]
some Jesus
has come on me
i throw down my nets
into water he walks
i loose the fish
he feeds to cities
and everybody calls me
an old name
as i follow out
laughing like God's fool
behind this Jesus
[the raising of Lazarus]
the dead shall rise again
whoever say
dust must be dust
don't see the trees
smell rain
remember africa
everything that goes
can come
stand up
even the dead shall rise
[palm sunday]
so here come i
home again
and the people glad
giving thanks
glorying in the brother
laying turnips
for the mule to walk on
waving beets
and collards in the air
[good friday]
i rise up above my self
like a fish flying
men will be gods
if they want it
[easter sunday]
while i was in the middle of the night
i saw red stars and black stars
pushed out of the sky by white ones
and i knew as sure as jungle
is the father of the world
i must slide down like a great dipper of stars
and lift men up
[spring song]
the green of Jesus
is breaking the ground
and the sweet
smell of delicious Jesus
is opening the house and
the dance of Jesus music
has hold of the air and
the world is turning
in the body of Jesus and
the future is possible
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