Just Flabbergasted!!

I understand that everyone doesn’t think the same. I understand that everyone doesn’t have the same experiences, nor have we all grown up in the same spaces. I understand that you can be black and conservative just like you can be black and centrist/independent, and even black and liberal; what I cannot fathom is the number of black people that demonize the Black Lives Matter Movement. This makes absolutely no kind of sense to me. Didn’t any of your grandparents or great-grands, or great-great-great grands deal with overt/covert racism? when i see black people towing the white line of thought; that BLM is a homegrown terrorist organization, or that Donald J. Trump has done more for black liberation and edification; I have to pause, scratch my head and say: “Sweetness, are we even living in the same reality, the same here-and-now?” Is this a bad episode of the “Twilight Zone” or “Night of the Living Dead,” “Invasion of the Body Snatchers?” did this reality someone how cross with one of many realities in the Marvel Multiverse??? HOW can black people discredit Racism, White Supremacy, the BLM etc as though this all has been recently invented and pushed by the left? What is going on? What has gone awry in this nation? The Cognitive Dissonance, The willingness to refuse to EVEN try to see; is astounding to me. 


Baffled asf!!


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